Paleo refers to a style of eating that mimics the way our ancestors did in the Paleolithic period, free of processed foods and full of what could be hunted and gathered. Health experts argue that agricultural practices have advanced far faster than people’s digestive systems have. This means our bodies are designed to function best with foods like what the cavemen ate, rather than today’s standard dietary staples of sugar and refined grains.
The Paleo diet is not a fad or some creative diet plan. It’s a matter of returning to the fundamental meals that the human body intended to eat. This kind of dietary plan allows the individual to get the best health as well as strengthen their digestive and immune system.
The Paleo diet is packed with many health benefits. Weight loss is easy with a diet that is high in protein and low in processed sugars and carbohydrates, which is what the Paleo diet is. Feeling lighter and more energized. Shedding food-related problems like allergies and digestive irritation. Prolonging your life by lessening the chance of serious conditions like diabetes from developing in response to incorrect metabolic triggers from poor quality modern food, make up for other excellent benefits of the paleo diet.
Health Benefits of the Paleo Diet
Foods are rich in nutrients; Against what many people believe, the Paleo diet does not consist of mostly protein and fat. What the Paleo diet does is eliminate the ‘fillers’, also known as nutrient-void foods. The Paleo diet also supplements more veggies, seeds, nuts, berries, fruits, and healthy fats. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. Your colon health improves when you eat the Paleo way and as a result of this, your body absorbs more nutrients.
Unprocessed foods: You eat real whole foods when you eat a Paleo diet. You eliminate taking in a hefty number of preservatives, additives, hidden sugars, sodium, and artificial coloring and flavorings. This also means that you’re not ingesting these toxins into your body. In turn, your body absorbs more nutrients for health and weight loss.
Weight loss: With the Paleo diet, you get enough omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D that aid in melting your body fat. As your metabolism and colon health improve, you experience better sleep and less stress.

Fruits & Vegetables
All fruits & vegetables are paleo, the best kind of fresh, local, and seasonal
Meat, Eggs & Poultry
- Beef
- Bison
- Chicken
- Duck
- Eggs
- Lamb
- Pork
- Turkey
- Halibut
- Mackerel
- Mahi Mahi
- Mussels
- Oysters
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Scallops
- Shrimp
- Tuna
Nuts & Seeds
- Almonds
- Brazil Nuts
- Chia Seeds
- Flax Seeds
- Hazelnuts
- Macadamia
- Pecans
- Pine nuts
- Pistachios
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Sesame Seeds
- Sunflower Seeds
- Walnuts
- Wheat
- Whole Wheat
- Barley
- Rye
- Oatmeal
- Quinoa
- Corn
- Spelt
Beans & Legumes
- Black Beans
- Chickpeas
- Lentils
- Navy Beans
- Red Beans
- Kidney Beans
- Hummus
- Milk
- Sour Cream
- Cheeses
- Yogurt
- Casein & Whey Protein
- Butter
- White Sugar
- Brown Sugar
- Agave
- Corn Syrup
- Aspartame
- Sucralose
What should I look for in animal products
Antibiotic Free
The animal was not given antibiotics during his lifetime. Other phrases to indicate the same approach include “no antibiotic administered” and “raised without antibiotics”.
Free Range
The use of the term “free-range” or free-roaming is only defined by the USDA for egg and poultry production. The label can be used if the producers allow the birds access to the outdoors so that they can engage in natural behaviors. It does not necessarily mean that the products are cruelty-free or antibiotic-free, or that the animals spent most of their time outdoors.
GMOs, genetically modified organisms, are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses, or other plants and animals. Products can be labeled “GMO-Free” if they are produced without being genetically engineered.
This means the animals were fed grass, their natural diet, rather than grains. In addition to being more humane, grass-fed meat is leaner and lower in fat and calories than grain-fed meat. Grass-fed animals are not fed grains, animal by-products, synthetic hormones, or antibiotics to promote growth or preventable disease.
Pasture Raised
The animal was on a pasture where it was able to eat grass and other plants, rather than being flattened on a grain-fed lot or barn. Pasturing livestock and poultry is a traditional farming technique that allows animals to be raised in a humane manner. Animals can move around freely and carry out their natural behaviors. This term is very similar to “grass-fed” though the term “pasture-raised” indicates more clearly that the animal was raised outdoors on pasture.
Eating out on the Paleo diet
Committing to a paleo lifestyle doesn’t mean you will never be able to attend social events or dine out again. When you switch to a paleo lifestyle, you have to make sure that it fits into your lifestyle. Although going out every night of the week is not recommended, going out occasionally will be healthy for you if it’s something, you really enjoy.
Look for dishes like stir-fries or salads on the menu. If you can’t find anything on the menu that is paleo-approved, here are some examples of things you can order separately. Most restaurants will have all these foods in the kitchen, even if it’s not written exactly like that on the menu.
Don’t be shy to ask for something a little different. When it comes to your health, it’s always worth it.
- Grilled Chicken Breast
- Grilled Salmon Fillet
- Steak
- Hamburger without the bun
Starchy Carbs
- Baked Potato
- Baked Sweet Potato Fries
- Squash
- Avocado or Guacamole
- Nuts and Seeds
(Great on top of a salad) - Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Water
- Sparkling Water